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NextGenDoc uses the latest HIPAA and PHI-compliant technology to provide our clients with faster, easy to access care. It is compliant with the current Telemedicine rules and regulations of currently licensed and practicing state medical boards.
Basic Information
NextGenDoc is a premier provider of telemedicine specializing in primary care. Our board-certified physicians utilize state of the art technology and medical techniques to ensure the highest level of patient care is achieved. We understand our patients have busy schedules and we pride ourselves in being accommodating to our patient’s individual needs. NextGenDoc is a Physician-led practice combined with easy-to-use and HIPAA-compliant technology-enabled platforms. Our hybrid approach mixes virtual visits with a personalized touch to ensure our patients receive the best treatment — not just an appointment.
Legal Name
Texas City, Texas, United States
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
11 to 20
Revenue Stream